Sunday, November 29, 2009

more youtube makeup ppl Kandee Johnson. I love her.. she is just the nicest person Kandee is a professional makeup artist.. I want to be her when I grow up Leesha.. a young woman.. but talented

cosmetic recipes by Enkore

all recipes that follow are from Enkore.. you can find him on youtube doing tutorials for these recpies here

Finishing spray
I c distilled b water plus 6 table spoons
1 green tea bad
1 c chopped into small pieces cucumber
4 drops tea tree oil
2 drops rose oil
1 drop each of the following oils

Bring to boi the distilled water. And l turn off and add add to Green tea bag add chopped
Cucumber to the water and tea
while the water is cooling line a meaureing cup with a coffee filter when cool take out the tea bag and strain the mixture through the coffee filter
Add four drops of Tea tree oil next add 2 drops of Rose oil/ rose water
Optional oils one drop of each
2 tables spoons of glycerin
add 4 tablespoons of mixture to 6 table spoons of water.. and pour into a spritser bottle

Mixing medium
1 part glycerin
3 parts water

Makup brush cleaner
1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup alcohol
1/2 table spoon detergint.. dish washing soap palmolive is recommened
1/2 table spoon shampoo baby shampoo
1 tbl condtioner *leave in* I bought a detangler for this

mixing jar


Saturday, November 28, 2009

empty nest

Well not quite empty .. but half way there.. It wont be long till it is empty. a couple years. My son is 16 now.

My daughter and her husband came to visit.. they live an hour or so away.. they stay 1 day and 2 nights.. I miss her already .. I love my little girl. Even if she is'nt so little any more.

They picked up a few of the things I gave them for their new place. In two weeks they are moving out in to their first home..

It is almost surreal that I have a child old enough to be married. I sit here going wow. I dont feel that old, but yeah I am old enough. I have old high school friends who have grandchildren. which totally blows my mind.

I miss Alex already. I really wish she didnt live so far away. I totally wish my car was out of the shop.. I'll be able to go visit her when it I finally get it back.

Thats a plus. Another plus is she wont be in her mother and father n laws home..thats one of the reason i don't go visit. They don't like me. I'm not christian. And they are holy rollers.

I have more to say .. i could ramble on.. but i feel that I need to stop here before I say somthing that might up set my daughter.

so.. goodbye for now friends..

blessed be..

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am amazed.

At thanksgiving dinner tonight.. well actually after we ate.. my mom.. my aunt.. my cousin Becky and 2 of her kids were sitting at the table talking..Some how the topic of ghost come up.. I was suprised that my aunt and her family well my aunt and my cousin beleived in ghost..Infact said they have experinced them.. The one thing that amazed me was.. well to explain.. I have to say, My grandpa Brooks died in june 84 .. the night we got home from his funeral my mom went to bed. A couple hours later she came running out of her room yelling he's in there.. daddys in there..

Come to find out my aunt Margaret had the same experince the same night.. in the same manor .. she was in bed. woke up to see him standing at the foot of her bed and ran yelling from her room he was in there..

This just goes to prove to me what I have always said.. that he came to say good bye before he moved on to summerland..

all in all this was a pretty good dinner.. I had fun.. just having family around

Blessed Be my friends..

Have a great night

Happy Thanksgiving..

Today is the day we celebrate and give thanks for the food that we have the place that we live..

Indians helped the pilgrims find food for the winter.. and to thank them the pilgrims gave them a dinner.

Then the proptly stole their land and killed the indians ... calling them savages, and heatherns.. Why because they were not christians.. I guess that means to the christians that if you dont do what we do.. say what we say.. live like we live..judge like we judge.. will then your just not worth the salt their god supposidtly put in the earth

My family history derivies from so many places.. I have a great grandmother who was a cherokee indian ... i have family that came from Scotland about 6 generations back.. theres also , English, and French I'm told

I guess that makes me a mutt.. So what family history do I follow..

As an American born and bred.. We have lost all of the traditions of our ancestorys..
we have no idea how they even lived.. what they believed.. or anything else about them

I know that from my history that the indians believed in more then one goddess/god.
I also know that the Scots had Pagan gods
So I choose to follow a pagan path.. I did some research and found that my faternal grandmother whose madian name was McCaig was the part of my family from Scotland.. and that the Mc Caig family was part of the Clan Mc Cloud .. no kidding.. I'm decended from members of the clan McCloud.. Watch out Duncan and Conner.. Lmao

Any way.. I am sitting here putting on my makeup getting ready to go to my aunts for thanksgiving, and thinking .. I miss the big family gatherings of my childhood.
When my family would go to my grandmas for all hoildays .. My moms sisters and borhters... their wives/husbands and their kids... Now my brothers and sisters dont even come for holidays.. That is because they live so far away truthfully..
I mean with my mom, me, and my kids living in TN.. and my brother and sister in Il..and my dad and my other bro in KS its a not like you can hope in the car and be here in 10 min anymore..

That all Change when my grandma passed away in 1997 .. I miss her even today and its 12 yrs later.. But we all have to go sometime.Grandma who was Edith Juanita Pittman Brooks went by the way of cancer.. Lung cancer that traveled to her brain to be exact..

I do believe that she comes by at time and visits us.. to check up on her family.. She was a wonderful woman..

So now its a little after noon.. and we have to be at my aunts at 2pm.. so I need to get my son moving in the shower and ready to go.. Myself too..

Alex and her husband Nathan will be here this eventing.. I am happy.. I'll tell you more about Alex later.. my 18 yr old who is married and moving out for the first time.. Man does that make me feel old.

So I hope every one has a great thanksgiving and I'll talk to you later on..

Blessed be

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

About Me!

I am a mother of two.. and in a relationship for the past five years..
My two are Alex 18, who married this past April, and Josh 16.
I have been a thrid party bill collector since 1996, I am unemployed at the moment.
So that leads me to my next choice.. I am going back to beauty school.. yes I am a beauty school drop out.. I went to beauty school when I was a teenager.. blah, blah, blah .. read my previous post.. I explained it already ..

I started this blog I was going to give my whole lifes story.. but, eh, not sure thats a good idea at this time.. maybe some other time.

for now.. I am just going to focus on whats ahead ..

so .. here's to the future.. and many more post.. and maybe some conversations.., in the meant time..

Blessed Be..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


sitting at home.. in front of this computer.. just a normal day .. getting ready to go out into the world.. another meeting.. things never seem to end..

hi..Hi, I'm Sue.. but to some people I'm Blue.No, I'm not sad.. thats a name I use in the Pagan community.I started this blog to chronicle the next year of my life.. or maybe a little longer. who knows.. I am a mother. a witch and love the world of beauty. I am not a professional in the beauty world.. but hope to be soon.. If every thing goes right I plan to go to beauty school in Jan. 2010..
Yes I've been before.. but i was a teenager. and didnt finish.. I quit at 1000 hours.. which is pretty dumb cuz you only need 1500 to graduate.., but I was young and stupid.. I hope I've learned a little in the last 20 yrs.., or so.. anyway. I have to head out the door right now. so ..I'll post more later.. and tell you about myself