Sunday, December 26, 2010

coming to an end..

I have tried to keep postive through this last year.. its been a long hard year.. with school.. and my father passing away 2 wks ago.. I ended a 7 yr reletionship.. that should have ended 6 yrs ago.. or 7 yrs ago .. But now.. I have a about a month of school left .. 1 month to graduate from Arnolds Beauty School.. I am so excited that its this close.. and so sad at the same time.. I love school.. My instructors are the best.. I love them all .. I am also doing my first wedding as a makeup artist, very excited about that forsure

so whats next in my life.. This I know. I will take state boards.. find a job.. live. love, laugh.. take care of my son.. and my daughter.. as much as I can since she lives 2hrs away with her husband..

Where will I live.. This I dont know.. My mother is sick. very sick.. and there is no way that I am leaving her as long as she needs me to be here. So what will happen how will it happen .. I have no idea.. but life will go on.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

CityVille on Facebook

This has been one heck of a year.. Now my dad died.. last sunday.. to bizare.. really hasnt sunk in yet.. on the plus side i have one month of school left when i go back.. pretty much took me a year to finish.. I started Jan 26, 2010 and hopefully will graduate feb, 3, 2011 thats about a week after my 1 yr anniversary there.